Seven thousand people have joined our #CorkTheTax campaign. Have you?

Published June 15, 2017

You don’t want to be forced to charge your customers more for a glass of wine, a beer or a cocktail. But that’s what will happen if the government goes ahead with its plan to increase the excise tax on alcohol every year – forever!

With our allies in the alcohol industry, we’ve been fighting this ridiculous tax tooth and nail. As the parliamentary session comes to an end, we’re hopeful that we can convince the Senate to get rid of it.


Join our campaign to fight back
Go to Fill in your information and the website will automatically send a letter, on your behalf, to your Member of Parliament and the Minister of Finance. Let them know that you refuse to pay more taxes. There’s strength in numbers. More than 7,000 people have already joined the campaign. Will you join the fight?


Speaking out in the media
We’ve been getting our message out through the media.


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