Restaurants Canada congratulates Pallister government on positive budget

Publié mars 13, 2018

Restaurants Canada is supportive of the Manitoba government’s support of a growing economy by staying on the path toward a balanced budget and its recommitment to cutting the PST in its first term.

“The Pallister government understands that it is important to support the economy through a healthy government,” said James Rilett, Vice President Central Canada for Restaurants Canada.  “By creating the proper conditions for business to thrive, Manitoba has grown in key economic categories, which is good for all Manitobans.”

Restaurants Canada also recognized the government’s tools to assist all Manitobans through higher Basic Personal Amount increases during the next two years and its recommitment to reducing the PST in 2020.

“These are progressive measures that directly assist those who need it without harming businesses who create jobs and grow the economy,” said Rilett.


Restaurants Canada is a growing community of 30,000 foodservice businesses, including restaurants, bars, caterers, institutions and suppliers.  We connect our members from coast to coast, through services, research and advocacy for a strong and vibrant restaurant industry.  Canada’s restaurant industry directly employs 1.2 million Canadians and serves 18 million customers every day.

Manitoba’s restaurant industry directly employs 41,700 and serves approximately 550,000 customers every day.


MEDIA CONTACT:  James Rilett, Vice President Central Canada, 1-800-387-5649 ext. 4241 or; Andrew Speller, Communications Specialist, 1-800-387-5649 ext. 4254 or

Restaurants Canada Digital

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