Notice of Restaurants Canada Annual Meeting of Members

Publié mars 9, 2021

Take notice that an annual meeting of the members of Restaurants Canada will be held at Restaurants Canada, 1155 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON. at 12:30 EST on the 31st day of March, 2021 to conduct the following business:

  1. Confirm the minutes of the 75th annual meeting held 1 March 2020;
  2. Present the 2020 summary financial statements;
  3. Appoint the public accountant of Restaurants Canada for the 2021 fiscal year;
  4. Present the annual report of the Chair;
  5. Present the nominations to the Restaurants Canada board of directors; and
  6. Elect the directors of Restaurants Canada.

Note that, due to COVID-19, it is expected that all attendees with be attending via electronic means.  For this purpose, please register online no later than 17 March 2021, indicating the email address that will be used on the day of the meeting.  This list will be used to confirm quorum and who is entitled to attend, and vote.  Meeting log in details will be distributed closer to the date.

Detailed materials related to the above may be accessed, free of charge, by logging into the Restaurants Canada Member Portal or by contacting Restaurants Canada at 1-800-387-5649.  

Members who are organizations are required to submit a valid proxy to Restaurants Canada to confirm the individual entitled to vote on behalf of the organization at the meeting.  A form of proxy with this notice as Schedule “A” can be downloaded, click here

Restaurants Canada Digital

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