Quebec reduces payroll taxes to help businesses cope with shifting trade environment

Publié août 30, 2018

The Quebec government unveiled a plan on Aug. 15 to aid businesses suffering from the impact of international trade negotiations.

The plan calls for direct financial support for some businesses, as well as tax relief — including a reduction in the contribution required by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to the Health Services Fund.

This reduction was welcomed by Restaurants Canada; ever since the manufacturing sector received a break in 2016, the association has been asking the provincial government to extend the same consideration to all SMEs.

For businesses with total payroll equal to or less than $1 million, the required contribution has been reduced from 1.5 per cent of payroll to 1.25 per cent. This was a reduction that had been scheduled to take place over five years. Concern over the impacts of international trade negotiations gave Restaurants Canada and other industry associations the opportunity to return to the table and push for an accelerated rollout of this relief.

Restaurants Canada looks forward to working with whoever forms the next government in Quebec, after the election on Oct. 1, to continue creating a robust business environment for the province’s foodservice sector.

For more information, check out the following articles:
Trade war: Quebec cutting business taxes (CTV News Montreal)
Quebec plan to help businesses affected by U.S. protectionism (Montreal Gazette)
Quebec invests $863M to mitigate impact of U.S. tariffs increase (CBC)

If you have any questions or concerns, you can send them to David Lefebvre, Restaurants Canada Vice President, Federal and Quebec, at


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