Your Voice in Ottawa

Publié février 8, 2016

(Feb. 8/16) Our industry has a great story to tell, and we’re proud to share it with our new Liberal government: 1.2 million jobs, $75 billion in economic activity, and 18 million happy customers every day. Plus, we’re Canada’s No. 1 source of first-time job opportunities!

During the 2015 election campaign we shared our story with candidates across the country, and now we’re sharing it with key officials in the Prime Minister’s Office and the office of the Finance Minister.

Next up? The annual pre-budget consultation that feeds into the new government’s first budget, expected in late March.

Here are the issues we’ll be raising during pre-budget consultations:

CPP reform: We’re asking for a targeted approach to Canada Pension Plan enhancements that won’t jeopardize entry-level jobs and won’t be unfair to youth workers, whose entry level wage contributions would have little impact on their retirement income.

Labour shortage: We want to see a comprehensive labour policy strategy that addresses the mismatch between jobs available at all skill levels and Canadians who are available to fill them.

Credit card fees: We need government’s help to rein in the high cost of accepting credit cards. We need a cap on interchange fees and no new off-setting fees. And, credit card companies should not profit from the taxes you collect on behalf of government.

UPDATE: Here’s our reaction to the 2016 Federal Budget.


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