Bill 148 Sent Back To Committee

Publié novembre 2, 2017

Ontario MPP’s have sent Bill 148 to committee for final considerations before it faces third and final reading in the Legislature. The Bill has become infamous as the ‘minimum wage’ Bill, but the 64 amendments to multiple pieces of legislation have severe implications for restauranteurs in Ontario.

Restaurants Canada was called before committee to provide expert testimony on Bill 148. Executive Vice President Joyce Reynolds presented the industry’s views on the significant implications for our sector.

“This proposed legislation could put more than 17,000 jobs at risk in our sector,” Reynolds told the committee.

Restaurants Canada has expressed deep concerns about the pace of implementation. The aggressive timelines will compromise the ability of the sector to absorb all of these additional costs.

“We have grave concerns that countless small businesses and entrepreneurs will be placed at risk of closure, downsizing and reduction of service to the communities they serve,” said Reynolds.

Restaurants Canada continues to call on members to reach out to their MPP’s and candidates in advance of the spring Ontario election. For more information on how to send a note to your MPP, go to


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