Alberta’s Bill 17 Labour Code Changes Now Law

Publié janvier 4, 2018

On January 1, Alberta’s Bill 17 came in to effect and the province’s labour laws and regulations are experiencing significant changes and reforms as a result.

These changes are impacting businesses throughout the province and include sweeping reforms in the Employment Standards and Labour Relations codes, and the Occupational Health and Safety Act may see some tweaks as well. Come June 2018, Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Act may also undergo some changes.

Because these updates will have a direct impact on the province’s restaurant industry, Restaurants Canada has organized a webinar with Calgary-based lawyer Tom Ross on January 8. Tom will examine the effects that Bill 17 are having throughout Alberta, including examining overtime rules and regulations, holiday pay, termination standards and much more.

Members, don’t forget to sign up for the January 8 webinar Understanding the 2018 Alberta Labour Changes.


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