New food safety regulations in P.E.I.

Publié novembre 11, 2014

(Nov. 11/14) The Government of P.E.I., in consultation with Restaurants Canada and other business associations, has updated its food safety regulations to ensure food is properly stored, handled and served.

The Food Premises Regulations under the Public Health Act took effect Nov. 1, 2014, and include the following new requirements:

  • Operators must document cleaning and sanitizing schedules for the premises, equipment and utensils, similar to requirements in place for processing agricultural and fish products.
  • The owner/operator or an onsite employee must have taken a recognized food safety training course.

These regulations will not apply to food premises operated by religious organizations, service clubs and non-profit organizations where low-risk food (such as bread, sweets and preserves) is prepared or served by volunteers. Overall, many operations will not see any change in their procedures.

Need more information?
Members can contact Environmental Health at the Chief Public Health Office at 902-368-4970 or to discuss how the new regulations may apply to their establishment. For more information,


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