Quebec Labour Board launches new information hub for employers

Publié octobre 14, 2018

Quebec’s labour standards, pay equity and workplace health and safety board (CNESST) unveiled a helpful new resource for the province’s employers over the Thanksgiving long weekend: A new section on the CNESST website that brings together all the key information that employers need to know about their rights and obligations.

Visit this new employer information hub on the CNESST website.CNESST

This was a recommendation that Restaurants Canada made to the province’s labour minister last fall, and again in early 2018 following changes to Quebec’s labour standards legislation.

Employers will no longer have to search through multiple websites to get information on issues related to labour standards, pay equity and workplace health and safety. Now everything can be found in one place.

For now, most of the information is only available in French, but work is in progress to make the content available in English as soon as possible.

Restaurants Canada hopes this information hub will help employers gain a better understanding of Quebec’s workplace laws and regulations and ensure that they are able to find the right information when they need it.


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